Sunday, September 26, 2010

A sustainable city.

{photo via The New York Times}

Masdar City will be built in Abu Dhabi-- a place best-known for its ridiculous architecture and man-made, palm-shaped archipelagos. It's a pretty awesome concept, and it's a concept that is actually being realized- Masdar City combines the aesthetic of old Arab settlements with old-world techniques to cool the city down (interesting facts: most communities in this region (1) were built on hills to take advantage of stronger winds, and (2) had tall, hollow "wind tunnels" to funnel down air to street level).

So, you ask. Where's the new? 90% of power for the city will be solar, and the other 10% will be generated by incinerating waste. Masdar will be closed to combustion-engine vehicles, and the electric cars that replace them will be underground. Pretty neat, huh?

I think it's such an interesting idea, and it's one that's actually taking place. What do you think about this project? What kind of city will Masdar actually be?

Check out Masdar City's website.

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