Sunday, November 2, 2008


I had the best Halloween! I'm in CT, bonding with my mother, but pictures are coming.

Yesterday I squelched around in the mud wearing scottie dog wellies, uprooting plants, and raking dead leaves. I love being outside, I love mud, and I love the smell of fresh earth.

For all of you Connecticut folks, I went to the restaurant Cafe Routier in Westbrook with Mama last night. We sat at the bar, ate yummy steak-frites and had delicious cocktails. Definitely a place to go for dinner. I definitely recommend sitting at the bar; the dining room is a little "stiff".

In sweatpants right now. I don't want to get out of them and go home (except to see John).

Hope that you lovelies had a great weekend! Remember, send your Halloween photos to and I'll post them!

Enjoy the wonderful fall day!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I love Cafe Routier! Haven't been there in years! Their steak frites is so good. I've posted my Halloween pics on my blog -- can u snag them from there if you'd like to post? Or should I email them? Did you dress up?